Dr. Michael Wong long ago decided that prevention and reversal of cardiovascular disease was his life work. He was there at the beginning of the preventive cardiology specialty and remains a proactive practitioner in this field today.
EXCITING BREAKTHROUGH: We can now see coronary plaque composition using an imaging technology that measures the soft plaque that causes most heart attacks. It is like the mammogram for breast cancer, in that it identifies the abnormalities in the coronary arteries at an early stage.
ZOOM IN: This imaging technique has been perfected by Dr. James Min, whose research and clinical practice in this area is groundbreaking.
WHY IT MATTERS: This is key to halting and reversing disease, or worst case, providing intervention by stents or bypass when the disease is life-threatening.
BOTTOM LINE: Dr. Wong can order this test and report and we have started making it available now to our patients
1. JAMA Cardiol. 2020;5(3):282-290. doi:10.1001/jamacardio.2019.5315 “Association of High-Density Calcified 1K Plaque with Risk of Acute Coronary Syndrome”